Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The First Post!

Ok, after almost a week of being here I'm finally getting around to writing my first blog post! (whoop whoop). I'd have put a post up earlier, but the internet in Beijing is pretty bad, and to make matters worse an earthquake supposedly happened a few weeks ago that really messed up the system. Hopefully that'll get fixed, but in the meantime I have to deal with trying to figure out how to post when everything on this website is written in Chinese...

Anyways, this first post is more of a test then anything. I only have a few photos that I'll be adding to this post (if the internet lets me), but once I get the hang of the website I'll add many more. The photos I'm trying to post are from the trip here, my school (Beijing Institute of Education) and the surrounding area. This weekend we have a class trip to the great wall (Chang Chang), so hopefully I'll get some photos up of that.